Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lucky #8

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1) Prom in 6 days
2) Graduation in 40 days
3) Moving in 43 days
4) Memorial Day Weekend
5) Getting my hair and nails done for prom
6) Spending the summer with J
7) July 4th (Red Sox game)
8) Our 1 year

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1) Tan
2) Coached my soccer team (they won)
3) Went to Olive Garden with my brother and his GF
4) Babysat
5) worked out
6) Went to dessert with my brother and his GF
7) HUng out with some friends
8) slept

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1) Be in J's arms right now
2) I wish I could be moving now
3) I wish I could go buy a new phone
4) I wish I could travel
5) I wish I could bake
6)I wish I had a career right now
7) I wish that everything will work out
8) I wish that my mom will do ok on her way home

8 Shows I Watch:
1) The Hills
2) American Idol
3) Dancing with the Stars
4) Secret life of the American Teenager
5) Army Wives
6) Extreme Home Makeover
7) Tool Time re-runs
8) anything good on